Smerge is a version control system for the block-based language Snap! that enables collaboration and tinkering in the K-12 classroom. It is designed with novice programmers in mind, making it easy to use for teachers and students alike.
K-12 computing teachers, programming novices.
Collaboration is a core practice of computational thinking. With Smerge, our goal is to enable collaboration in programming projects for novices while also challenging typical stereotypes of computer science.
Block-based programming is very popular for K-12 programming education for several reasons. However, there are limited solutions that allow for collaboration in the sense of working on a project simultaneously. To address this issue, we are developing Smerge, a tool for the classroom that combines intuitive and easy-to-use access with the power of version control in programming projects.
Prof. Dr. Tilman Michaeli
Prof. Dr. Tilman Michaeli, tilman.michaeli@tum.de