Welcome to the TechLab of the TUM EdTech Center!

On our TechLab page, you will find an overview on what is currently happing in our labs. From brand new ideas over tools and platforms under development until up and running projects. Feel free to scroll through our TechLab and learn about innovation in education made at TUM.

Tools & environments

ILVI App – Interdisciplinary Longitudinal Virtual Patient Management

ILVI (Interdisciplinary Longitudinal Virtual Patient Management) is a smartphone application for medical education that organizes students` learning experience from textbook knowledge to case-based learning. Our first module is tailored to teach medical students interdisciplinary diagnostic management in a resource-oriented setting

PEER – Paper Evaluation and Empowerment Resource

PEER is a tool designed to assist students in writing essays, from primary school to university level and across various genres. The tool leverages AI to provide personalized feedback and provides concrete improvement suggestions.

VR Classroom (with Generative Models)

The VR Classroom project aims to create an immersive virtual learning environment and provide valuable insights into learners' and instructors' behaviors in the virtual environment.


This project aims to preserve and disseminate intangible cultural heritage (ICH) by utilizing Extended-Reality (XR) and Large Language Models (LLMs) as conversational agents, with the goal of fostering cross-cultural understanding and ensuring the continuation of our shared cultural legacy for future generations through accessible and engaging learning experiences.

VR Public Speaking Training for Professionals

To improve public speaking abilities in an engaging and innovative way, we
explore the implementation and effectiveness of an immersive Virtual Reality (VR) platform that
centers around believable public speaking situations and audiences.

Robot Teaming for Leadership Training

Robots are becoming ever more prevalent in society, posing questions related to their role in society in relation to humans. With this project, we aim to investigate the benefits and drawbacks of social robots in leadership roles within organizations.


InstaClone is a lifelike social media educational tool designed to promote data and algorithmic
literacy in secondary schools. It allows students to "look behind the curtain" and gain a deeper
understanding of the underlying mechanisms of social media.


With the Observer Research Tool, student teachers can practise observing and assessing lessons professionally and train their pedagogical-psychological skills in the process. They use the Observer Tool to evaluate filmed lesson scenes and can then compare their assessments with those of experts.


SARA is designed to assist students in enhancing their reading and comprehension skills. This tool utilizes the power of AI and Eye-Tracking to identify instances where content comprehension is challenging and provides personalized assistance. 


Epic AI, an advanced language model, transforms the way students conduct scientific experiments. It
analyzes experiment protocols, accurately identifies common errors and provides personalized
feedback for a deeper understanding of scientific methods. Epic AI not only encourages students to
recognize errors, but also guides them to correct them, making the learning process richer and more
effective. Through Epic AI, educators can ensure a comprehensive and efficient learning experience.

Mind Wandering Detection Plugin

Enhancing Focus in Video Learning Through Mind Wandering Detection.

Educational Plattforms & Learning Courses

Video-based Toolbox for Teacher Education

The learning platform stands for multimedia, interactive, and high-quality OER materials for STEM teacher education. It supports educators, student teachers, and teachers in all of the various phases of high school and vocational teacher training in making teaching and learning digital, coherent, and innovative.



Artemis is an open-source learning and research platform with a focus on individual feedback to support interactive and adaptive learning. With its scalable infrastructure, it offers a variety of features including automatic assessment to different exercises, computer-based exams, and communication.


Focusing upon digital, video-based learning and testing environments, the project voLeA’s main research questions are which didactic strategies are most promising for fostering becoming physicians’ patient-communication competence and how this competence can be measured by means of a situational judgement test.

Exploring the World of AI

With "Exploring the World of AI," we developed a MOOC guided by constructionist learning
theory enabling everyone to learn about AI. The course is available in English and German and
has attracted 15.000+ learners since 2021.


Smerge is a version control system for the block-based language Snap! that enables collaboration and tinkering in the K-12 classroom. It is designed with novice programmers in mind, making it easy to use for teachers and students alike.